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This description of the Zork Memorial Sanctuary was written by Rabbi Floyd S. Fierman at the time of its dedication in 1962.

The Jew is constantly alerted and sometimes admonished by the writings of his teachers to distinguish between the holy and profane, between the sanctified and the mundane. This separation is assiduously achieved in the Temple sanctuary, for it is the sanctuary that the K’lee Kodesh, the Holy vessels, reside.

On the Bimah, inaccurately translated as the pulpit, are the Aron Ha-Kodesh, the Ner Tamid, and the Menorah. The Aron Ha-Kodesh is the container of holiness. Reminiscent of the ancient ark, now moved from a horizontal position to a vertical one, it is in this consecrated container that the Scrolls of the Law and their vestments are reverently enclosed. It is a simple jeweled box which is held in the embrace of the three limbed Chupah, or canopy. This symbolic expression of the three functions of a Synagogue: a house of prayer, a house of study, and a house of fellowship, held together under the canopy, discloses the Judaic concept of unity.

The Ner Tamid, the continuous light, is symbolic of the presence of God. It is circular to represent the thought expressed in the Sabbath evening Hymn. L'cho Dodee, of the community of creation: "The last in creation simultaneous with the first in thought." The source of light is invisible, although its presence is known by the reflection on the facets of the crown. It is symbolic of Exodus XXXIII: 23, "Thou shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen."

The Menorah, the candelabrum, has cupped lights which are reflected on the branches to stimulate wicks fed by oil in its base. In its rugged torn shapes is revealed the centuries of travail which the Jew experienced in the effort to bring the light of Judaism to an indifferent and often times antagonistic world.

Throughout the Sanctuary art work the theme of the Hebrew letter, Shin, is diffused. The Shin is the first letter of the Hebrew Attribute of God whose Name is unknown to mortal man. It signifies Shaddai, Almighty. The scheme of the Shin, is artfully formed on the doors of the Holy container, the continuous Light and the lectern.

Krupp Chapel
This description of Temple Mount Sinai's chapel was written by Rabbi Floyd Fierman at the time of its dedication.

This Chapel, which is a memorial to Haymon Krupp, was designed by Sidney Eisenshtat and Associates, the same firm that designed the Temple structure that was completed in February, 1962.

The design, in poured concrete and steel structure, emulates the Desert Tabernacle that is described in detail in Scripture. The ceiling is shaped in the form of the tablets of the Ten Commandments and gives the impression that the worshiper is offering devotional prayers in a tent.

The art glass windows, designed by Mr. Eisenshtat and executed by the Duval Glass Company of New York, is made of faceted glass congealed in an epoxy. On the right hand side of the chapel, facing the Altar, the ten commandments in tablet form and in Hebrew letters, (the Hebrew consonants from one to ten), can be seen. On the left hand side, candelabra with seven red flames can also be discerned.

The Ark, the Eternal Light, and the Lectern which were designed by Mr. Eisenshtat and executed by Mr. Ted Egri of Taos, New Mexico, are made of oxidized metal. The design of the Ark, the Eternal Light and the Lectern derive their inspiration from the Tree of Life symbol. The form of the tree, the leaf and the seedlings emphasize that Jewish religious teachings are an ever-blooming tree which find new thoughts and disciples in each generation. The complete outline of the Ark doors are in the form of the Shield of David, a shield against mundane, profane life.

This Chapel is used for religious services as well as for weddings and funerals.

Mr. Eisenshtat was assisted in construction supervision by the architectural firm of Carroll and Dasauble, of El Paso, who were associate architects in the construction of the original building. The R.E. Mckee construction firm of El Paso, once again gave of their constructional wisdom and generous spirit in bringing the plans into function.

The committee selected by the board of Trustees to execute the building and to fulfill the wishes of Rebecca Goldstein Krupp, who made available the financial resources to complete the building were; Mr. Elias G. Krupp, Chairman, Mr. I.J. Kahn (President of the Temple), Mr. Melvin Potash and Dr. Floyd S. Fierman, rabbi of Temple Mount Sinai.

Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785