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High Holy Days Special Appeal 2024 / 5785

September 4, 2024/1 Elul 5784

Dear Temple Family,

Shanah tovah um’tukah: “A sweet and good year.” These words we share with one another as Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, approaches are more than just a polite greeting. They are a blessing we bestow upon one another as we pray that the next year is a good year, a sweet year, for our community and each of us.

In the Hebrew month of Elul, the season of reflection and contemplation which precedes the High Holy Days, we invite you to join us in in making incredibly impactful contributions to Temple Mount Sinai. These initiatives honor our loved ones of blessed memory, and your generosity helps to ensure Temple has a good, sweet year in the year to come.

Our Book of Memory is distributed each year during the Yom Kippur Memorial Service. When you return the Book of Memory appeal card, your loved ones’ names will be memorialized in the pages of a specially printed Book of Memory. Your generous donation to the Book of Memory helps to fund special projects at Temple in memory of our loved ones.

Our High Holiday Appeal remains one of the most important sources of income for the congregation to fund vital services and programs. Your contribution allows Temple to support and fulfill our mission as a congregation of supportive, caring and diverse people with a rich, personal history. Temple is a place for prayer, ritual, spirituality, learning, wholeness and healing, social action and celebration. Your gift to the High Holiday Appeal will make it possible to fulfill this promise and is greatly appreciated.

We as a Temple family pray together, study with one another, celebrate life’s heights and mourn life’s valleys. Your kind and generous support of Temple Mount Sinai helps to ensure that our House of Prayer will continue to be able to offer services, programs, and opportunities that mean so much to Temple members and the broader community. Please respond by September 16 so that your gift can be appropriately acknowledged during the holidays. You may also respond online and complete the forms at: 

Book of Memory 2024 / 5785

High Holy Days Special Appeal 2024 / 5785

We look forward to sharing this special time with you and cannot wait to wish you a shanah tovah um’tukah! May this new year be a good and sweet year for you and your loved ones.

Shanah Tovah,

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Scott P. Stevens, President                                    Rabbi Ben Zeidman


Ben Zeidman

Sally Parke
Executive Director

Mindy Escobar-Leanse
Religious School & Music Coordinator

Stacy Berry
Youth Advisor

Scott Stevens

Erline Gordon
President Elect

Rebecca Glaser
Bob Novick
David Pearlman
Vice Presidents

Donna Leffman

Stuart Schwartz
Immediate Past President

Jamie Ackerman
Jerry Appel
Laura Brannon-Rosales
Stephanie Calvo
Mindy Dember
Janet Fishman
Cathy Glen-Puschett
Valerie Gluck
Ellen Goodman
Lindsay Jaffee
Maurice Plesant
Sergey Shimunov

Past Presidents
Dorothy Borschow
Marcia Dahlberg
James Daross
Lori Gaman
Tommy Goldfarb
Mark Heins
Jack Heydemann
David Kern
Alan Krasne
Robert Krasne
David Leffman
Keith Myers
Jaime Papa
Phil Rothstein
Shari Schwartz


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785