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Caring Community

"Caring Community" is the umbrella term we use for the many aspects of congregational life that involve being present for each other through our lives. In times of joy and celebration, and in times of sadness, illness or mourning, Temple strives to be present.   And by "Temple," we mean "our members." While our Rabbi and professional staff are key to much of our Caring Community programs, as providers and facilitators, the very best expression of Caring Community is when members are present for other members.

Temple’s Caring Community is dedicated to supporting congregants through life cycles, acts of healing, worship and spirituality.

Our Caring Community team of volunteers visit congregants in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities to bring fellowship and comfort to patients and their families.

They also deliver shiva cakes, notes of condolence and yahrzeit candles to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

They prepare and deliver "Welcome Baskets" to every new member.

Our Care Teams make phone calls and visits to those people in our community who are ill, elderly or in need of some extra attention.

The Caring Community’s latest project has been bringing Shabbat to congregants in the home, hospital or rehabilitation facilities with a “Shabbat box” filled with challah, juice, candles and other goodies.

The Men’s and Women’s Chevrah Kadisha (“Sacred Society”) is also a very important part of Temple’s Caring Community; the Chevrah Kadisha prepare the body of a Jew for burial.

If you would like to be a part of our team or if you have any questions, please contact the Temple office.






Bikkur Cholim --Visiting the Sick

Temple wants to know if you or someone you care about is hospitalized, ill, or would just enjoy a call or visit from the Rabbi or a member of the congregation. Please let us know.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785